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Push Local repository to Github / cloud Pull Remote respository / github to Local repository We will see details of how we can import or export local project to github using few git commands. Installation Download & Install git for your respective OS from here Github account Login to github.com or signup to create an…
Polymorphism – Polymorphism means – one in many forms Creating multiple methods / functions with the same name but performing different task, same way creating single object or reference variable referring to multiple classes. Polymorphism can be achieved in 2 ways Method Overloading (Compile time polymorphism or static binding) Method Overriding (Run time…
Abstraction is method of hiding the implementation details and showing only the functionality, basicallyProvides guidelines to build a standard product. Example – You know how a car look like and how to drive, but you don’t know how to build a car. For detailed explanation – Types of abstraction – Abstraction can be achieved by…
Inheritance Inheritance is a mechanism wherein a new class (child class) is derived from an existing class (parent class), child classes may inherit or acquire the properties and methods of parent classes. Types of inheritance Single / multi level inheritance Hierarchical inheritance Benefits of inheritance Reusability Extensibility Saves time and effort Provides clear model structure For details, watch…
Object Oriented Programming – It is a methodology to design a Program and also provides below below concepts to simplify the software development and their maintenance. Before moving to actual OOP concepts, we need to understand few terms, so let’s discuss one by one For detailed information of this blog, watch this video – Class A…
Java String String is sequence of characters. String is a Java class and is under package – Java.lang.String String declaration: String str = “hello world 123”; //String literal str is a String object String MyStr = new String(“My world is great!”); //String new object Watch demo – Sample String declaration – System.out.println(“str…
Java conditions – code will be executed based on a condition true or false (if else) Java loops – Code will be executed no. of times until a condition is false.(while, do while, for loop). Watch details here Code samples – if else public class IfElseCond { public static void main(String[] args) {…
With the help of Java operators, we can perform mathematical or logical operations on different data types. Types Explanation – Code sample – Arithmetic operator – public class ArithOp { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 13; int b = 5; int result; result = a % b; System.out.println(result); } } Output…
DataType defines a particular kind of data or value it can take Primitive DataType: Primitive means “very basic”. In Java, primitives are the most basic kinds of data types and they directly contain values like int, char etc. NonPrimitive DataType: Non primitive datatypes are those which uses primitive datatype as base like array, class etc.…