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In our earlier post (Selenium reporting using extent 2.x), we have seen as a starting point how to generate report at end of test execution using 2.x version. As extent report is becoming more popular and they are also trying to make it more flexible by providing frequent updates, so in this post, we will…
Tapping on any WebElement on screen is same as clicking on the object, (just, tap word is a mobile term), but tap method provides some more features. To tap on any position on screen or center of a webElement, java-client have a class TouchAction which provides 3methods Refer – java-client docs Syntax – TouchAction tc =…
There are situations where we need to toggle any settings to ON/OFF, e.g – switch ON/OFF wifi. We can automate the toggle or switch ON/OFF using appium, How we do manually – either click on the switch (on right side icon, as shown) or click on the text to switch ON/OFF. If the color turns…
For sorting in the order of ascending or descending, we have one of the most popular sorting technique is bubble sort. What is bubble sort – repeatedly steps through the list to be sorted, compares each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list…
In our earlier posts Maven in eclipse – part1 and Maven in eclipse – part2, we have seen how to setup and use maven in eclipse. in this article, we will look into how to run selenium tests using maven build in eclipse. NOTE: we need not to download any of the jar file needed…
A word, phrase, number or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards String = reverse of a String e.g MADAM, MOM, 01022010 etc. Let’s see different ways how we can determine, if a word or string is palindrome or not in Java. package trypkg; public class Pallindrom { public static void main(String[] args) {…
In our previous article, we have seen how to setup java & maven in both windows & mac os. In this article, we will see how to create a maven project and some basics of POM.xml. Maven plugin For eclipse IDE : On Eclipse IDE -> Help -> Install new software -> Add… and…
If you are using Selenium library for Java language binding to write automation tests, then we need to setup Java in windows or Mac OS Setup JAVA: For windows or Mac OS, you can refer here to install and setup Java in detail. Setup Maven What is Maven build: As per the Apache Maven, Apache…
There are situations where we need to capture or redirect the eclipse console to a text file, so later we can refer to the output. How to Write a java program as usual in eclipse. While on the program screen, click on Run -> Run Configurations… Navigate to “Common” tab Check “File:” and “Append”…