Handling CheckBoxes in selenium

Events for a checkbox can be check or uncheck, there can be one or more checkboxes (group wise) on a webpage. Checkboxes can be identifies in html DOM with tag as ‘input’ and type as ‘checkbox’ as shown in below screenshot. let’s see some of the implementations on checkboxes in selenium capture all the checkboxes…

Collections framework in Java

Collection: Group of individual objects in one unit. It’s a root interface of collections framework, which defines most common methods to act on collection object. Collections: It’s a util class (Under java.util.package) which helps to perform different operations(like searching) on collection objects.So to handle the objects, we need certain classes(methods, variables) and interfaces which is…

Desired Capabilities in selenium

DesiredCapabilities describe a series of key/value pairs that encapsulate aspects of a browser,  Basically this is used to set certain properties of browser for the WebDriver. Properties such as: set the path of the browser if not installed in default location. set the browser Version, Browser Name, platform (Normally we use in selenium GRID) to…

Arrays in java

What is Array Arrays are used to store homogenous elements/values (of same data type) Can access the elements by the indexes. Index always start from zero (0). Arrays can be single or multi dimensional Watch demo – Let’s see some of the implementation of the array. One dimensional array: dataType[] varName  //declaring array variable varName…