Appium locator strategy : identify app elements [latest]

Like selenium WebDriver locators, we have locator strategies for AndroidDriver (for android) & IOSDriver (for iOS), both extending the AppiumDriver for mobile app automation. Prerequisites: selenium locators locator tool : Appium UI inspector For appium java-client >=8.x, AppiumBy class provides all the android and IOS specific locator methods to identify the app elements. driver.findElement(AppiumBy. Along…

PageFactory in selenium

PageFactory is an extended support to POM (PageObjectModel), used to locate webelement in adifferent manner than mentioned here. Before we learned to declare and locate an WebElement as below : WebElement txt_GoogleSrch = driver.findElement(“q”)); Using PageFactory @FindBy @FindBy(ID = “q”) private WebElement txt_GoogleSrch; or this can even read as, @FindBy(how = How.ID, using = “q”)…