waitFor* commands/methods in WebdriverIO

In our previous post, we have seen global waits and timeouts applicable for Page, script or test wise. WebdriverIO provides some more wait methods applicable to individual elements based on specific conditions and they are as follows – waitForClickable waitForExist waitForEnabled waitForDisplayed Note – all these above methods are applicable for the element level not…

Cypress v10 migration step by step

Cypress made some visible changes to project structure when you migrate the cypress version to v10. In this post, we will see step by step guide to migrate to v10 and understand the folder structure. Open your existing project in VScode. Open command prompt / terminal (CTRL + `) Type below command to upgrade cypress…

Handle ShadowDom elements using Selenium 3 & 4

ShadowDOM is used to separate certain HTML structure, JS and CSS from the actual application DOM. A DOM can have multiple shadowDOM elements. To understand more, please refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM To understand which ShadowDOM elements we can automate or not, you can refer to this below video – As normal DOM elements, we can’t directly inspect…

[resolved] – ExtentReport error java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VERSION_2_3_30

To generate html report in your test automation framework, you are using ExtentReport library and getting error while running your tests – “java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VERSION_2_3_30“ This error normally occurs when you use an incompatible version of freemaker java library in your pom.xml. You get error as “java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VERSION_2_3_30” when running tests with extentreport, the reason is…