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Maven by default downloads jar files / dependency libraries under userFolder/.m2 folder but in case you need to change the download directory to userFolder/JarFiles Follow below steps – Let’s say apache maven is downloaded and extracted under userFolder/apache-maven, Navigate to ./apache-maven/conf Find & edit settings.xml Assume you want Maven to download jar files…
With chromedriver.exe with version 2.28 on wards, when tried to invoke chrome browser using selenium, getting below notification as “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” This is just a warning or notification from chrome browser, no harm if pops up, This just tells to make you aware that some body is controlling your…
There are situations when you invoke chrome browser using selenium, you will observe your AUT URL opens in 2nd tab where as 1st tab throws an error – Microsoft anti malware wants to reset your settings. When you click on 2nd tab, you will see your selenium test runs fine, but sometimes you might face…
In our previous post, we have seen how to install protractor and it’s prerequisites. we will setup some more steps to run protractor tests Create a new file conf.ts under C:\Protractor\Test\ refer configuration library for more options. Create a spec file calculator.ts under C:\Protractor\Test\specs Jasmine framework considers each test script as specs, Describe represents test suite…
Refer protractor intro to get some insights, if you are new to protractor. We will use typescript as our language to write protractor tests with jasmine framework. Let’s see one by one all the libraries needed to run protractor tests. Typescript in visual studio code Typescript is super set of java script with advantages…
These days, most of the web development uses angularJS library for it’s light weight and ease of use. protractor become popular to do end to end testing for angularJS apps. Protractor is a node.js program built on top of WebDriverJS (selenium web driver in Java script). that simulates user actions on browser. Why protractor? As…
In this post, we will be executing a typescript file in VS Code Prerequisites Nodejs & npm Refer Install & verify nodejs on windows / Mac OS TypeScript To install latest typescript package, Start > Run > cmd, type to verify, on cmd, type Visual Studio Code Download and install from https://code.visualstudio.com/download Steps to write typescript…
Selenium provides Xpath & css as element locators on browser, browsers provide an option to execute xpath and css to identify elements, we have seen how to execute xpath & css on chrome browser, Please note firebug or firepath is deprecated for firefox browser! In this post, we will see how to execute xpath & css on…
Sometimes if your mobile usb cable doesn’t work and you want to automate android devices using appium, then you can use adb commands to connect to PC via wifi. Follow the steps Connect android device to PC via USB make sure you enable Developer options on mobile and connect Navigate to your android sdk installed…