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We can change the browser window position on desktop and resize the windows using selenium commands. These functionalities helps to view the tests running parallely on different browsers, [we can place browsers side by side to see the actions performed on the browsers]. package testPkg; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;…
TextBox is an element where we can enter/input alphanumeric text.To identify the textBoxes we need to look for the input tag with type=text, [below screenshot] Let’s see some of the actions we can perform with textboxes in selenium: Enter value to textBox – using sendKeys method After entering text to textBox, we can fetch the…
ListBox is an element where user can select/deselect one or more items from it. To identify the ListBox on webpage, look for select tag and attribute should be ‘multiple’ to select multiple items and there will be option tag which contains each item in it.[as shown below] How can we identify a ListBox on webpage:…
Events for a checkbox can be check or uncheck, there can be one or more checkboxes (group wise) on a webpage. Checkboxes can be identifies in html DOM with tag as ‘input’ and type as ‘checkbox’ as shown in below screenshot. let’s see some of the implementations on checkboxes in selenium capture all the checkboxes…
Button is one of the web element/control on web application,In a webpage, to identify if a web element is button or not, just look into the DOM and find any tag that is “input”, like: [here the event could be clicking a button] Let’s see the implementation lets see how to handle button events using…
Collection: Group of individual objects in one unit. It’s a root interface of collections framework, which defines most common methods to act on collection object. Collections: It’s a util class (Under java.util.package) which helps to perform different operations(like searching) on collection objects.So to handle the objects, we need certain classes(methods, variables) and interfaces which is…
Assert is to compare the expected with actual. Assert is class exposed from org.testng.Assert; 2 types of Asserts – Soft Assert hard Assert Soft Assert Soft Assertions are the type of assertions that do not throw an exception when an assertion fails and would continue with the next step after assert statement. This is usually…
Arrays Collections Can hold only homogeneous elements. All elements should of same data type, either all are int or String etc. Can hold heterogeneous elements. All the elements can be of mix of data types, some can be int and rest can be of String etc. Array size is fixed, once declared we can’t alter…
DesiredCapabilities describe a series of key/value pairs that encapsulate aspects of a browser, Basically this is used to set certain properties of browser for the WebDriver. Properties such as: set the path of the browser if not installed in default location. set the browser Version, Browser Name, platform (Normally we use in selenium GRID) to…