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Agile development : manifesto

A group of developers together made a decission depending on their individual views and created the methodology called Agile. In each development life cycle, it’s the learning from the previous iteration and implement to improve the process… There are 4 major compact principles (we call manifesto) to develop software/product in a better way, which talks…

Selenium v2.47.0 – features added

Selenium framework leaunched it’s updated version 2.47.0 Download link: http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/ and here is below some of the main features of this version: Added TakesScreenshot to WebElement. Added language bindings for Microsoft Edge browser Created an overload toExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt support to index and WebElement so that WebDriverWait can use this mode to switch frames. Default the hub…

DataBase testing

Database testing: validate the front end data with the database. Let’s take an example of a e-commerce application, user booked a mobile phone by entering phone model, shipping / billing address, and submits, Data stored into database. Here we need to validate what the user enters data, should save exactly same to the database, then…

Initial setup of MySQL database and it’s basic

MySQL is considered to be most popular open source database, For more information regarding versions and features, please refer http://dev.mysql.com/ Topics Download and Install. Initial Setup Creating database tables Adding/updating/deleting data to tables Download and install To download MySQL database for windows, Navigate to this link http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ click on MySQL Community Server (GPL)   click on MSI…

Firefox profile and preferences in selenium

Firefox profile is basically the personal settings of the firefox browser. Firefox profile contains information like your homepage, bookmarks, browser settings, history, saved passwords, download directory etc. Profile is basically a specific folder stored locally in your hard drive other than your firefox installation folder. We will see how we can set Firefox profile manually…