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Exceptions are basically abnormal/unexpected conditions that may occur while running code/test.These exceptions may disrupt the execution, but we can handle them using java exception handling features. Examples of some exception are, divide any number by zero, file/object not found, accessing array elements beyond it’s size etc… For almost all kind of abnormal situations that may…
What is Array Arrays are used to store homogenous elements/values (of same data type) Can access the elements by the indexes. Index always start from zero (0). Arrays can be single or multi dimensional Watch demo – Let’s see some of the implementation of the array. One dimensional array: dataType[] varName //declaring array variable varName…
There are 2 nested for loops in your code and if we want to exit both the loops at a time once a particular condition satisfies. If we write break once the condition satisfies, control exits from inner for loop, but main for loop runs as usual, we want to basically exit this main loop…
.properties is a file extension for files mainly used in Java to store the configurable parameters of an application. the parameters are in terms of key | value pair, means we can use the key in the code to get the value stored in the .properties file. This basically helps to avoid going to the code for any change needed…
There are situations where you have the options enabled [Below screenshot], still not able to copy paste files from your current system / laptop to your remotely connected system/dsktop. Let’s see how to overcome this! Go to the Task Manager (Key press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC), Go to Processes tab and search for the…
We will be discussing some of the practices (may not be THE best practices) which makes code base easier in terms of readability and maintainability. Package names should be in all lower case package1 or com.gmail.webui Class names always begin with a capital letter. And if there are multiple…
Selenium Grid is used to run the selenium tests parallel across different platforms(Nodes) and browsers from one system (Hub)…. Steps for setting up the selenium grid: 1st thing 1st:Download the selenium standalone jar file from here,[see below screenshot] version may be different Place the stand alone jar file in your local drive, let’s…
In one of our previous post selenium locator strategies, we have learned how to identify elements based on HTML tags or attributes. In this post, mostly we will be talking about the key differences between XPATH & CSS Selector, their patterns to locate browser elements. Patterns are basically the syntaxes we will use to identify…
xpath is xml path language, and selenium uses xpath as one of the locator strategies to locate web element[s] from the DOM (document object model). DOM is nothing but the tree structure of the html / xml document. xpath normally provides the path to navigate to the required element from the tree structure. xpath types…