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TestNG Parametrisation – @Parameters & @Optional

TestNG provides a way to get the data from external sources like from excel/textfile/arrays which helps to prepare data driven framework in automation. @Parameters – pass parameters from the testNG.xml @dataProvider – Pass the parameters as a 2D array. reference – https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#parameters In this post we will look into the testNG @Parameters Let’s see the code implementation…

Cypress contains() method to locate elements

Cypress contains() is used to identify the one or more browser element[s] based on the text. Example – In Cypress, The link with text “SignUp Form” can be identified as cy.contains(‘SignUp’).click() or cy.get(‘.myhmenu’).contains(‘SignUp’).click() The above command will locate the element with text ‘SignUp’ based on a parent element .myhmenu Note – contains() can be used…