Experience & exploration about software QA tools & techniques.
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Selenium is an open source technology for automating browser-based applications across different browsers and platforms. Selenium mainly interacts with the html elements on the browser and performs actions as programmed like look and perform actions on browser manually (Clicking on button, enter text on edit box etc.).Main components: Selenium IDE Selenium RC (Selenium 1) Webdriver…
For windows: offline installer http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-full For other platforms: https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/
Latest version : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/ Earlier versions : https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/
In windows OS –For Backup Start -> Run and type %AppData%MicrosoftStickyNotes to open the “Sticky Notes” folder. Copy the StickyNotes.snt file to another safe location for future use. For Restore Same way open the “Sticky Notes” folder let’s say, you formatted machine and StickyNotes folder NOT found, then create a dummy sticky notes 1st (Navigate…
Dim tdcSet tdc = CreateObject(“TDApiOle80.TDConnection”) Dim sUserName, sPasswordsUserName = “” ‘sPassword = “” ‘ Dim sDomain, sProjectsDomain = “” ‘sProject = “” ‘ tdc.InitConnectionEx “http://qc..com/qcbin” ‘tdc.Login sUserName, sPassword tdc.Connect sDomain, sProject If (tdc.LoggedIn <> True) Then MsgBox “QC User Authentication Failed” ‘WScript.QuitEnd If Fn_Defects_To_Excel() ‘======================================== ‘To download defects from QC to excel sheet ‘========================================= Sub…
mystr = inputbox(“Enter the String:”) ‘Option 1 – Set r=new regexp r.pattern =”w|W” ‘ “[a-z 0-9 A-Z]” is equivalent to w r.global=true set s=r.execute(mystr) For each i in s revstr = i.value & revstr Next MsgBox “Using regexp :” & vbnewline & revstr ‘Option 2 – cnt = Len(mystr) For i = 1 to cnt…
An Array variable can have different data type values like int, char, string, Boolean etc An Array variable values can be assigned or retrieved by using it’s index, index can not be -ve. An Array variable can be single/multi dimension: if multi dimension variable, can have up to 60 dimension. Static Array variable – ‘Declaration…
Try below code to find your application window/child windows by using TestStack.White framework – Lets take NotePad as our application – //get the required window List windows = new List(); windows = Desktop.Instance.Windows(); //Get all the windows on desktop for (int i = 0; i < windows.Count; i++) { string str = windows[i].Title; if (str.Contains(“Notepad”))…
We have seen how we can automate desktop applications using testStackWhite feamework. Some more useful links you can follow A very useful weblink to know more about white framework from white.codeplex.com is HERE. http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/322108-c%23-teststackwhite-for-beginners/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/john_daddamio/archive/2008/04/04/testing-wpf-applications-with-the-white-ui-test-framework.aspx White: An UI Automation Tool for Windows Application This is what I got till now with my searching thru internet,…