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In our previous few blog posts, we have learned how to write selenium tests using python, we will extend our learning to use pytest as our unit testing framework and write a simple selenium test using pytest and learn more about this library. Prerequisite – Configure & run python on PyCharm Write first selenium test…
In this post, we will look into the jenkins configuration to send email notifications & sending attachments to the email notification triggered. For this we will see how we can send an email notification to any gmail account from jenkins. Prerequisite – Jenkins installation Have a Jenkins job with selenium or any other project to…
We have learned to how to identify element[s] by using xpath & css locator strategies, this post will explain the xpath & CSS feature like adding multiple expressions or using multiple attribute identifications in side the XPATh or CSS. Prerequisite – Refer locator strategies Refer xpath & CSS patterns Refer xpath & CSS methods Multiple…
With increasing dynamic elements on browser applications, basic xpath / css syntaxes sometimes not proper to use, for example – let’s say we have an element whose attribute value changes, changing first or last characters or there might be long attribute value which is difficult to use in xpath or css. In this post, we…
In one of our previous post, we have seen how to read write excel sheet using java POI. Now we will see the practical usage of excel sheet as test data source for selenium tests. Excel sheet is considered as best way to store multiple test data or larger test data because of it’s row,…
In our previous post , we have seen list of testNG listeners and also we have seen how we can customise the output using the ITestListener. In this post we will be talking about some more customisation using IReporter. IReporter is an interface, we need to implement generateReport() This method has 3 parameters, xmlSuites |…
In one of our blog, we have discussed selenium 4 new features like emulating network conditions & intercept network resources. We will be discussing these 2 features in detail with selenium4 code implementation. If we right click on the browser, will get a tab “Network” next to Element tab, where we can manually perform the…
Selenium 4 supports to automate the chrome dev tools features, in which we have as option to emulate geoLocation & timeZones so the application can pickup the specified locations instead of the default or current location. This will help to validate the applications functionality which are based on locations like store addresses across different countries…
Along with the e2e testing, now a days it’s important to perform API automation testing and also integration testing, and there are several tools and libraries available for API testing. API testing tools / libraries – Postman is a tool to perform all kind of API testing by providing the payload, authentication and different API…