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In our previous post, we have seen basic excel read & write operation in In this post, we will discuss how to read the excel sheet data based on the column names instead of column index Use below maven dependencies for the apache POI in pom.xml of your maven project. [currently using java poi version…
There is a situation where, you installed IE11 freshly and try to open the debugging window by clicking F12, but shows error instead the HTML content, here is the fix: Download and install the below respective patch, restart and click on F12 to get the html content. For 32bit system:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=45134 For 64bit system:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=45154 Hope this…
There are situations where we need to Download files from browser, Save in a specified folder on hard disk. We will use ChromeOptions to set browser preferences [much simpler way] Disable file save dialog set download path Download the Chrome driver with respect to your browser version from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads public class Test { static WebDriver…
Now we know how to identify html elements using only selenium or execute javascript in selenium, Now let’s see how we can perform actions on different web elements like textbox – how we can enter text Button – click How to get attribute of a html element… For input buttons //js.executeScript(“return document.getElementsByName(‘commit’)[0].click();”) //or //element =…
We have seen how to identify web elements using selenium locators…there are situations where selenium alone can’t able to identify web elements, there we can execute javaScript commands in selenium… JavaScript has it’s own locators to identify web elements: getElementById – Returns single element that matches the ID. getElementsByName – Returns list of web elements…
There are some situations in which we want to scroll to a particular element or scroll up or down across the browser, and also we can scroll inside a dropdown or list box to get all the available options. Selenium do not have it’s own methods to perform this action, so we can use javascript…
As per the selenium official link on Selenium RC, core selenium is basically a javascript program (set of functions) which interprets and executes selenium commands using browser’s built in javascript interpreter. Sometimes we observe web controls doesn’t react well to selenium commands, there we can directly use / execute javascript commands using webdriver, To execute…
There are several web applications that provides services for drag an element and drop on certain element on browser. Some examples: Can customize menu bar items by drag child elements on parent element. Drag and drop files/folders in some hierarchy manner. There are several ways we can automate drag and drop, any one of the…
JavaScript Object Notation Used as a lightweight data sharing format in between server and web application, and also in between web applications. This is called as fat-free version of XML :D. Easy read / write format. A collection of “key” : “value” pairs. This can be represented as object, dictionary, hash table, keyed list…