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There might be a situation where our script fails or taking long time if the application doesn’t load properly. Other factors could be application response, network speed or the layers that webdriverIO uses to send requests which causes out of sync between script run and application actions. Example – Test is looking for welcome screen…
WebdriverIO is an advanced automation framework for web and mobile application. It’s basically a wrapper on top of selenium (WebDriver protocol with nodeJS) for web automation and wrapper on top of appium for mobile application. WebDriverIO is termed as wdio. TypeScript is termed as TS. Why WebDriverIO and TypeScript? It’s essential to understand why we…
ShadowDOM is used to separate certain HTML structure, JS and CSS from the actual application DOM. A DOM can have multiple shadowDOM elements. To understand more, please refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM To understand which ShadowDOM elements we can automate or not, you can refer to this below video – As normal DOM elements, we can’t directly inspect…
To generate html report in your test automation framework, you are using ExtentReport library and getting error while running your tests – “java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VERSION_2_3_30“ This error normally occurs when you use an incompatible version of freemaker java library in your pom.xml. You get error as “java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: VERSION_2_3_30” when running tests with extentreport, the reason is…
In selenium, we all know findElement() method finds the elements based on the locator matched criteria from the browser application. There are 2 ways we can use the findElement(), with WebDriver and also with WebElement In this post, we will see the syntax and outcome of each ways For this explanation, I will be using…
Apache Jmeter is used to perform the performance testing of web applications and web services or API calls. You can perform all types of performance testing like load, stress and endurance testing for your application. If you are a beginner and willing to learn Jmeter, refer below guide on how to configure and open Apache…
If we want to write java programme or use any Java based application, we need to install and setup JDK. Why JDK required? – in simple words, JDK [Java development kit] required to write any java program & JRE is required to run the java program. You can use below guide to setup JDK for…
If you look at the Test pyramid (also refer to below image), more API testing is recommended over the UI testing. Reason is that, as we go up into the pyramid – Increase the time to create the tests (tool selection, dependency libraries, writing the UI test scripts) Increasing the cost of creating and running…
Docker is an open-source containerisation platform. It enables to package applications into containers, standardised executable components combining application source code with the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run that code in any environment. Containerisation is an alternative to virtualisation. Virtual machines like Vmware or virtual box are heavier and big in size as they hold…