How to switch ON/OFF settings using appium
There are situations where we need to toggle any settings to ON/OFF, e.g – switch ON/OFF wifi. We can automate…
There are situations where we need to toggle any settings to ON/OFF, e.g – switch ON/OFF wifi. We can automate…
We have learnt from our earlier post Appium test run, how to write appium test, now to run the appium…
Swipe on mobile handsets can be of from Left to right or vice versa Top to bottom or vice versa…
A seek bar in any android handset or emulator is kind of a progress bar but this one is draggable,…
There are situations, where we have to long press on key buttons of screen to trigger an event, to hold the…
We have seen how to handle alerts for desktop browsers using selenium, the same way we have alerts for mobile…
Method 1: Using Google play store (but you need to have google account and google play store should be pre installed)…
Class AndroidDriver (implements AppiumDriver interface) has method pressKeyCode(int key) for your handset / emulator to navigate to Home screen or navigating…
Class AndroidDriver (implements AppiumDriver interface) has certain methods for locking and unlocking an android device / emulator at run time. (should…