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TestNG provides a way to get the data from external sources like from excel/textfile/arrays which helps to prepare data driven framework in automation. @Parameters – pass parameters from the testNG.xml @dataProvider – Pass the parameters as a 2D array. In this post, we will look into dataProvider @DataProvider This is another way of passing 2 dimensional array…
For the fundamentals of testNG framework and the testng.xml content, please refer to my prev blog post. selenium-testng (See all the available annotations) selenium testNGxml Let’s jump into a sample code to get more understanding on the annotations- These below 2 classes contains all the details of testNG annotations and the output shows sequence of execution…
To get started with testNG framework, refer testNG framework If we want to execute the testng class, we can do one by one in eclipse by clicking F5 or right click run as, what if we want to run multiple classes, then we can take use of testng.xml. tetng.xml helps to execute one or more testNG classes…
testNG is a unit testing framework for Java, helps to run our tests(methods) in a guided manner. testNG stands for ‘test Next Generation’ – as this offers more flexibility over JUnit (another testing framework to run the methods). What testNG offers: Need not to have test names in sorting order User friendly annotations. Support for…
driver.get(““) Will wait till the page loads completely with all controls in place. Used to get page source. driver.getPageSource(); //returns the page source of current url that driver holds driver.navigate().to(““) Can navigate the page forward/backward driver.navigate().forward(); driver.navigate().back(); Used to refresh history. driver.navigate().refresh(); To redirect a page will not wait till page loads…
AngularJS controls are becoming more popular these days due to it’s flexibility of use, less coding, allows single page applications and many more which a developer know much better than us (us as testers :P)… So with the changing in technology and the way controls are used. as a tester, we also need to upgrade…
————————————————————————————————————————- Enhanced for loop is applicable only for arrays, Arrays can be of int or string type… let’s see the old style of writing of for loop in java. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 public class ForLoop { public static void main(String[] args)…
Let’s see how we can guide selenium to automate the user actions on a web application, As we come to know from selenium element locator strategy, selenium identifies elements (WebElement) on basis of the html tags and their attributes. Let’s take the saucedemo as our AUT(application under test) on Chrome browser TestCase: Verify the login…
We will see the use of apache POI open source library in java to read and write excel file. If you are using Apache POI > 4.x version, then refer Read write excel using Java 4.x Download We have 2 ways to download the Apache POI library If using normal java project, download POI jar…