Basics to advanced –
- Protractor intro to automate angularJS apps
- Configure and run typescript code in visual studio code
- Protractor setup with jasmine & typescript in VScode
- Run protractor tests in typescript using VSCode
- Run protractor test on firefox browser – webstorm ide
- Run protractor test in IE [Internet Explorer]
- Read/Write excel sheet using ExcelJS
- Use JSON & Typescript file as test data source for protractor
- Top [non]angular demo sites to practice automation testing
- Protractor Logging – console output – print to log file
- Handle WebElement using Protractor – Part1 – textbox button and alerts
- Handle WebElement using Protractor – Part2 – dropdown and alerts
- Handle WebElement using Protractor – Part3 – table or ng-repeater
- Implement page object model in protractor typescript