In one of our post, we have come to know what is API and how it’s different than web services
In this post, we will know more details about API, so let’s get started
API Overview

API Examples
Social sites like Facebook, twitter etc
Flight booking sites
E-commerce sites
- APIs make easy integration between different application
E.g – google provided google map API, which helped many websites to put their location on contact us section for easy access,
Also travel and cab provider based applications [e.g – UBER or OLA] use these APIs to calculate the price from source to destination
- Reusability
You need not to worry about implementing same stuff, just expose your API and others can reuse that.
- Faster development
As you are not developing the same stuff again and again, saving time of product development.
E.g – UBER need not to redevelop the map, so they can built the product faster.
Watch the details here
Do watch the video for the details that are listed above to understand API more