In this post, we will see how to use pytest options or parameters to run or skip specific tests.
Pytest options are basically the command line parameters used with pytest to run tests, these options helps while running tests in tolls like jenkins, circle CI or azure-devops environments.
let’s first consider below test methods as our example code & understand each options in detail
# File - Author - qavbox / qavalidation.comimport pytestdef test_regression():print("Test_regression")def test_sanity():print("Test_sanity")def test_release():print("Test_release")def test_api():print("Test_api")
To run this above tests, open command prompt or terminal & navigate to project directory, type
This above command will run all the test methods, but will not print the output to console.
To print the output, we have to use -s
along with pytest
pytest -s
To print the console output along with specific test names, we can use the pytest option -v
pytest -sv
Run specific test method
To run specific test method from a specific test file, we can type
pytest -sv
This above will run the test method test_api() from file
Run tests based on string match
Let’s say you want to run test methods or test classes based on a string match.
Run all test class or test methods whose name matches to the string provided with -k
pytest -sv -k "release"
This above command will run all test class or test methods whose name matches with “release”
From above test file, test_release() will be running.
Run based on the category match – pytest mark
We can add category name to each test method using pytest.mark
Let’s see below example code
# File - Author - qavbox / qavalidation.comimport pytest@pytest.mark.logindef test_regression():print("Test_regression")@pytest.mark.logindef test_sanity():print("Test_sanity")@pytest.mark.logindef test_release():print("Test_release")@pytest.mark.settingsdef test_api():print("Test_api")@pytest.mark.login@pytest.mark.settingsdef test_api1():print("Test_api1")
To run specific mark or category, we can use the -m
pytest -sv -m "login"
While running, you might get error as
Unknown pytest.mark.rel - is this a typo? You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see
To resolve above error, create a pytest.ini
file under root directory and add all the category or marks under this file
Note – after “:” it’s optional, you can just add any description
# file - pytest.ini# # Author - qavbox /[pytest]markers =rel: marks tests as rel (deselect with '-m "not rel"')api
Run tests using multiple mark or categories
We can use or and operators and run multiple marks or categories
To run either login or settings related tests
pytest -sv -m "login or settings"
All the above tests will be running.
To run tests that has both login & settings
pytest -sv -m "login and settings"
This above command will only run method – test_api1()
Exclude or skip tests based on mark
We can use not prefix to the mark to skip specific tests
pytest -sv -m "not login"
This above code will not run tests with mark login, only settings related tests will be running.
We can use combination of marks with not, means we can include or exclude specific marks at once
pytest -sv -m "not login and settings"
This above command will only run test method test_api()
Note – you can create different combinations of marks in each test method and run using or
operators to get more understanding.
Skip tests with out pytest options
using @pytest.mark.skip
Using the skip mark in each test method, pytest will skip those tests, let’s see this in action with below example code
# File - Author - qavbox / qavalidation.comimport pytest@pytest.mark.logindef test_regression():print("Test_regression")@pytest.mark.logindef test_sanity():print("Test_sanity")@pytest.mark.skip(reason="just testing skip")def test_release():print("Test_release")@pytest.mark.apidef test_api():print("Test_api")
to run the above code, just type
pytest -sv
This above command will skip the test method – test_release()
Note – reason is optional, but recommended to use, as the analyser will not get confuse why the test skipped, is it intentional or any issue with the run.
Skip the test based on a condition
Pytest provides an option as skipif
to use a condition to skip a test, if the condition evaluates to true, then only test will skip else run.
Let’s say, if the os == macos, then skip the test
# File - Author - qavbox / qavalidation.comimport pytest@pytest.mark.logindef test_regression():print("Test_regression")@pytest.mark.skipif( == 'posix', reason="do not run on mac os")def test_sanity():print("test_sanity")
Simply type –
pytest -sv
This above command will run the test method test_regression() if you are running on mac os.
Note – if mac os, then will give the output as “posix”
you can evaluate any condition inside the skipif
Hope this helps!