Selenium framework coding practices/standards
We will be discussing some of the practices (may not be THE best practices) which makes code base easier in…
We will be discussing some of the practices (may not be THE best practices) which makes code base easier in…
Selenium Grid is used to run the selenium tests parallel across different platforms(Nodes) and browsers from one system (Hub)…. …
In one of our previous post selenium locator strategies, we have learned how to identify elements based on HTML tags…
xpath is xml path language, and selenium uses xpath as one of the locator strategies to locate web element[s] from…
TestNG provides a way to get the data from external sources like from excel/textfile/arrays which helps to prepare data driven…
For the fundamentals of testNG framework and the testng.xml content, please refer to my prev blog post. selenium-testng (See all the…
To get started with testNG framework, refer testNG framework If we want to execute the testng class, we can do one by…
testNG is a unit testing framework for Java, helps to run our tests(methods) in a guided manner. testNG stands for…
driver.get(““) Will wait till the page loads completely with all controls in place. Used to get page source. driver.getPageSource(); …