Different ways to run testng.xml file
Basics of testng.xml is covered in last post, now let’s see different ways to run testng.xml Using code editor pane…
Basics of testng.xml is covered in last post, now let’s see different ways to run testng.xml Using code editor pane…
In this post, we will see how to declare and use map, and also fetch the data from map. Data…
WebDriver is an interface FirefoxDriver is a class, which inherit RemoteWebDriver class that implements WebDriver interface.
Smoke Testing: Normally we perform this to check the stability of the build to deploy in testing environment for further…
REGRESSION TESTING -Regression testing is repeated testing of an already tested program in each release or each build after modifications…
System testing – 1) It is high level testing and always starts after Integration testing 2) For this testing, complete…
Arrays Collections Can hold only homogeneous elements. All elements should of same data type, either all are int or String…
DesiredCapabilities describe a series of key/value pairs that encapsulate aspects of a browser, Basically this is used to set certain…
Along with the e2e testing, now a days it’s important to perform API automation testing and also integration testing, and…