Inheritance is a mechanism wherein a new class (child class) is derived from an existing class (parent class), child classes may inherit or acquire the properties and methods of parent classes.
Types of inheritance
- Single / multi level inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
Benefits of inheritance
- Reusability
- Extensibility
- Saves time and effort
- Provides clear model structure
For details, watch here
Code samples
Example – 1
Base Class – Animals
—-Child Class – Cat
—-Child Class – Lion
——–Child Class – Cub
package inheritanceEx; public class Animals { int NoOfEyes = 2; Animals(){ System.out.println("Animals : -"); } public void Eat() { System.out.println("I can eat"); } public void Eyes() { System.out.println("I have "+ NoOfEyes + " eyes"); } }
package inheritanceEx; public class Cat extends Animals{ void Meow() { System.out.println("Sound of cat - Meow"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Cat cat = new Cat(); cat.Eat(); cat.Eyes(); cat.Meow(); } }
package inheritanceEx; public class Lion extends Animals{ void Roar() { System.out.println("Sound of lion - Roar"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Lion lion = new Lion(); lion.Eat(); lion.Eyes(); lion.Roar(); //lion.Meow(); //no relation between cat and lion } }
package inheritanceEx; public class Cub extends Lion{ void Cooing() { System.out.println("Sound of Cub - Coo"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Cub cub = new Cub(); //super(); //error - should be 1st line of the method cub.Eat(); cub.Eyes(); cub.Cooing(); } } //super() - refers to parent constructor
Example – 2
Base Class – BankAcc
—-Child Class – SavingsAcc
——–Child Class – Transactions
package inheritanceEx1; public class BankAcc { String Cust_Name; int CustAcc_No; BankAcc(String Name, int AccNo){ Cust_Name = Name; CustAcc_No = AccNo; } void DispCust() { System.out.println("Customer Name - " + Cust_Name); System.out.println("Customer Acc No - " + CustAcc_No); } }
package inheritanceEx1; public class SavingsAcc extends BankAcc{ int Balance; int Min_Balance = 1000; SavingsAcc(String Name, int AccNo, int Bal){ super(Name, AccNo); // BankAcc(String Name, int AccNo){ from BankAcc Balance = Bal; } String isMinBalMaintained() { if(Balance > Min_Balance) { return "Yes"; } else return "No"; } void DispCust() { super.DispCust(); System.out.println("Balance - " + Balance); System.out.println("Is Min Balance Maintained? - " + isMinBalMaintained()); } public static void main(String[] args) { SavingsAcc savingacc = new SavingsAcc("SKP", 4317625, 23400); savingacc.DispCust(); } }
package inheritanceEx1; public class Transactions extends SavingsAcc{ int Withdrawl; int Deposit; Transactions(String Name, int AccNo, int Bal, int exp, int deposit){ super(Name, AccNo, Bal); Withdrawl = exp; Deposit = deposit; Balance += deposit; Balance -= exp; } void DispCust() { super.DispCust(); System.out.println("Total Withdrawls - " + Withdrawl); System.out.println("Total Deposits - " + Deposit); } public static void main(String[] args) { Transactions trans = new Transactions("SKP", 7642398, 23400, 1200, 3400); trans.DispCust(); } }