In this post, we will come to know –
- How to identify dropdown elements and different ways to select an option from the dropdown
- Identify button using the display text
- Handle alerts, get the alert text and verify the content and click on the ok button to accept the alert.
Watch demo here
Code implementation
import { browser, element, by, protractor } from "protractor"; import { log4jsconfig } from '../config/log4jsconfig' describe("Banking project test", function(){ function VerifyAndCloseAlert(text: String){ let EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.alertIsPresent(), 4000, "ALert not found"); let alert = browser.switchTo().alert(); let alertText = alert.getText(); alertText.then(function(txt){ log4jsconfig.Log().debug(txt); }) browser.sleep(2000); expect(alertText).toContain(text); alert.accept(); } beforeEach(function(){ browser.get(""); }) it("Verify the flow", function(){ element(by.model('fName')).sendKeys("ABC"); element(by.model('lName')).sendKeys("XYZ"); element(by.model('postCd')).sendKeys('1344'); element(by.className('btn btn-default')).click(); VerifyAndCloseAlert("Customer added"); element(by.buttonText('Open Account')).click(); let Customers = element(by.model('custId')); let options = Customers.all(by.tagName('option')); options.then(function(items){ log4jsconfig.Log().debug("Dropdown option size " + items.length); for(let i=0 ; i < items.length ; i++){ items[i].getText().then(function(txt: any){ log4jsconfig.Log().debug(txt); if(txt == "ABC XYZ"){ log4jsconfig.Log().debug("Item found on the list"); items[i].click(); } }) } }) element(by.model('currency')).$('[value="Dollar"]').click(); //$ = by.css element(by.buttonText("Process")).click(); browser.sleep(3000); VerifyAndCloseAlert("Account created"); }); });
items[i].getText().then(function(txt: any){
txt: any not taking in my code