Selenium v2.47.0 – features added
Selenium framework leaunched it’s updated version 2.47.0 Download link: and here is below some of the main features of…
Selenium framework leaunched it’s updated version 2.47.0 Download link: and here is below some of the main features of…
As most of us know, Autoit is a tool to automate basic navigations for non browser / windows applications. There…
While working with Selenium automation testing, we use different 3rd party frameworks (TestNG, Junit, MBunit, Nunit) in combination with Java…
For initial understanding on database and SQL queries, refer MySQL Basics To automate database testing, we will use selenium with…
Database testing: validate the front end data with the database. Let’s take an example of a e-commerce application, user booked…
MySQL is considered to be most popular open source database, For more information regarding versions and features, please refer…